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Safe Harbor Presbyterian Cambria
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Devotion Archive
Sunday Service
2/16/2025 - Be Still My Soul & Trust - Roots & Reversals - Dr. Garrett Andrew
2/9/2025 - You Are the Fisher of Men - Rev. Eugenia Gamble
1/26/2025 - You are the Body of Christ - Rev. Eugenia Gamble
1/19/2025 - Re-Gifting the Gifts of the Spirit - Elder Tom Cochrun
2/2/2025 - Mission - More Than a Check - Dr. John D’Elia
1/12/2025 - Receive the Holy Spirit - Rev. Eugenia Gamble
1/5/2025 - Your Operating System - Elder Tom Cochran
Past Services
Romans 10:8b-13 - The Gift of Salvation
Luke 6:27-36 - What Goes Around Comes Around
Luke 5:1-11 - Jesus Brings the Catch
1 Corinthians 12:8-11 - Spiritual Gifts
Luke 2:41-52 - The Boy Jesus in the Temple
Philippians 4:4-7 - How to Live in Joy
Philippians 1:3-11 - A Prayer of Thanksgiving
Revelations. 1:4b-8; 2:1-7 - A Call to Return to Love - Christ the King Sunday 2024
Mark 10: 56-52 - What Do You Want Me to Do for You?
Mark 10: 17-31 - Jesus Speaks with a Rich Man About What Really Matter
Mark 9:38-50 - Teachings on Discipleship
Mark 9:30-37 - Teaching on Greatness
Mark 7:24-30 - The Syrophoenician Woman: The confrontation with Racial, Social, Religious and Gender Prejudice
Ephesians 6:10-20 - Preparing for Spiritual Battle
Amos 5:18-24 - A Lament for Sin
Ephesians 3:14-21 - A Prayer for the Readers
Ephesians 1:11-23 - The Gifts of the Household of God
Mark 4:35-41 - Who is Jesus? Will you trust him?
Romans 8:12-17 - We are Children of God
Genesis 3:1-15 - A Love Story Gone Awry
Luke 24: 36-48 - Resurrection Appearances
Mark 16:1-8 - The Tomb is Empty! - Easter Sunday
Mark 11:1-11 - The Triumphal Entry of Jesus
John 3:14-21 - Jesus’ Purpose (2024 Version)
Mark 8:31-38 - The Enemy is Us - 2024
Mark 9:2-9 - The Transfiguration of the Lord - 2024
Mark 1:21-28 - Jesus Begins His Public Ministry
John 1:43-51 - Jesus Invites Phillip and Nathanael into the Adventure
Luke 2:22-40 - The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
Mark 1:1-8 - The Beginning of the Good News
Matthew 25:31-46 - The Judgment of the Nations
Matthew 25:1-13 - Wisdom and Foolishness in the Kingdom of God
Matthew 22:34-46 - The Chief Commandment & a Vexing Follow Up Question
Jesus Characteristics & Values – Rev. Eugenia Gamble October 15, 2023
Exodus 33:12-33 - Moses Pleads Israel’s Case
Philippians 3:4b-14 - Don’t Look Back
Matthew 20:1-16 - God’s Fair Play
Matthew 16:13-20 - What’s the Buzz?
Matthew 14:22-33 - Jesus Walks on Water
Romans 8:28-39 - Nothing Can Separate
Romans 8:12-25 - Our New Status in Christ
Matthew 11:25-30 - An Appeal to the Weary
Romans 6:1-11 - Dying and Rising with Christ
Matthew 9:9-13;18-26 - Jesus Shocks Everyone
1 Samuel 3:1-18 - The Call of Samuel
Mark 1:14-20 - Kingdom and Call
Mark 1:4-11 - The Baptism of Jesus
Genesis 18:1-15 - The Outrageous Promises of God
Mark 8:31-38 - The Enemy is Us
Matthew 18:21-35 - Forgiving from the Heart
Mark 1:9-15 - The Beginning of Ministry
Luke 2:22-40 - The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
Romans 12:9-21 - What It Means to Be Us
Mark 9:2-9 - The Transfiguration of the Lord - 2023
Mark 1:29-39 - Jesus’ Preaching and Healing Tour
Romans 13:8-14 - Grace and the Neighbor
Matthew 5:1-12 - You Are Blessed
John 1:1-28 - Jesus the Word Made Flesh
Matthew 21:1-11 - The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
Acts 17:22-31 Paul Demonstrates the Inclusivity of God
Acts 2:1-21 - The Day of Pentecost
John 10:1-18 - I Know My Own
John 3:1-17 - Nicodemus Visits Jesus
John 12:20-33 - Some Greeks Want to See Jesus
Mark 11:1-11 - The Triumphal Entry of Jesus
John 21:1-14 - And One More Thing
Matthew 6:5-15 - Pray in this Way
Mark 3:20-35 - Jesus’ Source of Power & Family Values
Genesis 32:22-31 - Jacob Wrestles with God
Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 - Joseph and His Brothers
Genesis 45:1-15 - Joseph Reveals his Identity to his Brothers
Luke 24:13-35 - The Road to Emmaus
Exodus 2:11-22 - Moses Kills an Egyptian and Fleas to Midian
Exodus 32:1-14 - The Golden Calf
Numbers 11:1-15 - The People of Israel Complain
Deuteronomy 30:11-20 - Moses’ Charge to the People
Mark 13:1-8 - The Little Apocalypse
Luke 1:26-56 - The Coming of Jesus
Luke 3:15-17; 21-22 - The Baptism of Jesus
Jeremiah.…17:5-10 - The Two Sides of the Heart
Luke 15:1-2 - The Parable of the Forgiving Father
Luke 19:28-40 - The Journey to Jerusalem
John 20:19-31 - Resurrection Appearances
Acts 9:36-43 - Tabitha Awakens
Acts 16:16-34 - Paul and Silas in Philippi
Luke 10:25-37 - The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Luke 11:1-13 - Lord Teach Us to Pray
Luke 12:13-21 - The Rich Fool
Luke 12:49-5 - The Signs of the Times
Luke 14:1;7-14 - No Quid Pro Quo in the Kingdom
Luke 16:19-31 - The Punishment of the Man Who Never Noticed
Luke 17:11-19 - Healing and Thanksgiving
Matthew 3:1-12 - The Proclamation of John the Baptist
John 11:1-44 - Lazarus Lives
1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 - A Hope and a Prayer
Philippians 4:1-9 - Prepare Him Room: How-to Live-in Joy
Luke 4:14-30 - Is Not This Joseph’s Son?
Luke 9:28-36 - The Transfiguration of the Lord
Luke 13:31-35 - Lament over the City
Acts 16:9-16 - The Church in Philippi is Born
Matthew 3:13-17 - The Baptism of Jesus
1 Corinthians 1:18-31 - Christ the Wisdom and Power of God
John 4:1-44 - Jesus and the Woman of Samaria
1 Corinthians 3:1-9 - Paul Urges Believers to Grow Up
Luke 21:5-19 - Do Not Be Afraid
Philippians 3:4b-14 - Press On
Hebrews 4:12-16 - Help in Time of Need
Matthew 22:1-14 - A Gracious Invitation
Matthew 22:15-22 - Tricky Questions
Matthew 22:34-40 - The Chief Commandment
Luke 18:9-14 - The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Luke 19:1-10 - Taking Jesus Home
Luke 15:1-10 - Parables of Rejoicing
James 3:13-4:3;7-8a - Living with Real Wisdom
Matthew 20:1-16 - God’s Fair Play
Matthew 21:23-32 - The Religious Authorities Test Jesus
Ruth 1:15-16 - A Faithful Widow lives for God
Romans 5:1-5 - The Hope of Glory
Matthew 4:1-11 - The Temptation of Jesus