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  “Kindness is gentle, it’s patient, it’s generous with time, food or money. It’s love for all people, all living things. We listen to those who are lonely. We don’t tell people what to do. We respect their decisions, their life choices. When I wake up each day, I pray I will be kind, sensitive, silly and wise; and able to make the day wonderful.” –Anonymous

   The author of that quote was just one of nearly 50 people who submitted their thoughts on the topics of kindness and gratitude during Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church’s 50 Days of Kindness Campaign; a project than spanned the 50 days of the Easter Season observed by most Christian churches. Through displays at the Farmers Market and onsite at the Safe Harbor/St. Paul’s church campus, participants cheerfully expressed gratitude for kindness shown to them, or shared how they try to spread kindness throughout their community. For some, kindness was shared by volunteering locally in meal programs for homebound seniors, or for needy families through the Estero Bay Kindness Coalition. For others, it was just giving a kind smile to a neighbor.

   “Especially encouraging was the interaction we had with young people”, observed Glenn Donaldson, who staffed the Kindness table at Farmer’s Market recently. “They were happy to spend a few thoughtful moments exploring the topic and sharing their ideas.”  One of the youngest participants, a second grader from Cambria Grammar School, remarked that she felt one of the ways kindness can be shown is through sharing, and that “peace is the best thing you can share.”

   A recurring theme within the responses from participants of all ages was having gratitude for family and friends, and the love and support given in the respondents’ times of need.

   Safe Harbor developed the kindness campaign to counter all of the negative behavior getting so much coverage in the media. The Church felt it was important to remind folks that kind gestures, no matter how small or simple, are still gifts that one can easily give another. Based on the responses gathered, it appears many in our community have benefitted from that type of gift, and perhaps now, are a little more aware of how they can spread their own acts of kindness.

  As Mother Teresa once taught, “Spread love everywhere you go…Be the living expression of God’s kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting.”

  The complete list of responses collected during the 50 Days of Kindness Project will be available for viewing soon at https://safeharborcambria.org    Info on the Estero Bay Kindness Coalition and how to donate to the organization is available at https://www.esterobaykindnesscoalition.org.  By Michelle Costa.

50 Days of Kindness Sharing from our Community 

Prompt: Please share a kindness shown to you, an act of kindness you’ve shown another person, or simply a gratitude felt (in other words, what you are grateful for.)

WEEK 1 (Farmer’s Market)

Kindness and Gratitude- Today, as I wandered through downtown Cambria, every person I spoke to was kind. They shared helpful tips, ideas, and compliments. It was a great reminder of how thankful I am to live in such a kind town.

A kind act performed- Putting my sons first over myself in a non-codependent way to give them hope for the future.

Gratitude-Grateful for the prayers and support of family and friends.

Kindness-My husband kindly fulfills my “Honey Do” list.

Gratitude- I am happy to live in a most wonderful town with the loveliest husband in the world.

Kindness (Random Acts) - One night while my hubby and I waited in line for the opening of the Sow’s Ear, we struck up a conversation with a couple from Camarillo. It turned out that both of us couples were celebrating important milestones. Once inside, they sat in one section of the restaurant and us in the other. When it came time to pay the dinner bill, we were told that our champagne was paid for by the other couple who had already left, with a message:                                                                         Happy Anniversary!

Gratitude- I am grateful for this community that cares for its members so much. Everyone should experience a community like this because it is wonderful.

Gratitude- I am grateful for my friends near and far who always look out for me in my new life experiences as a recent widower. Friends from Safe Harbor and my parish in Cambria, in general; and a very special friend who checks in with me each and every day.

Gratitude- Grateful for friends and family; Grateful for serving my church and good health.

Kindness message- Sunshine is sending happiness to all!

Act of Kindness: In March 2024 a roofer/skylight repairman repaired our leaking skylight. A couple of weeks later, on a Saturday (day off) he returns. Says he’s making sure the skylight hasn’t leaked as a storm is coming. He got up on the roof and checked. Who does that? You can’t get many repair people to even return a call. People who are kind and generous are our gifts. Thanks for this great project!

WEEK 2  (Safe Harbor/St. Paul’s)

Kindness and Gratitude-

I love Safe Harbor Church! Peace is the best thing you can share.   (Safe Harbor Youth Group member)

I love every beautiful face I see, so how can I not be happy to share and to listen to each wonderful person?!

During a very special 30 days of  “gratitude” a young son, husband, father, was dying but his legacy was that on each of those 30 days, his wife posted something for which she was grateful about the life she lived with him and would forever remember. This impacted my son (who had just lost his wife); so much so that he began saying “Mom, I just live in the attitude of gratitude.”

I’m grateful for inspiring spiritual leaders; gifts of friendship and connection.

It feels good to be kind to others and it feels good when others are kind to me.

I am grateful for the kindness shown me one day when my bike tire went flat and a neighbor passing by, gave me and my bike a ride home in his pick-up.

Kind act performed- We deliver Meals on Wheels and love it. Love this project!

WEEK 3 (Farmer’s Market)


I am grateful for all the friends I’ve made in my life and everything they’ve done.

I’m grateful for all of the family and friends who have supported me even when I was at my worst.

I feel such gratitude for all the humans who have gone before me.

I am grateful for the friendship and love of Linda E.  R.I.P.

I am grateful for being able to serve hot meals to our community.

I am thankful for my therapist.

I am grateful for great friends that don’t judge; and who accept me as I am.

I’m grateful for so much! My joy, my health, and my beautiful, understanding, patient and loving partner Ben, and our adventures!

I am grateful for my garden, and my view. I am grateful for my grown children and grandchildren. I am grateful for my abundance of lettuce grown from a simple 6-pack.

I am grateful for my friends taking care of my pets.

I am grateful for my grandchildren who want to be with their Nana!

I’m grateful for every day on this planet; the blue skies, the cars on the roads.

I’m thankful that friends became family.

I am grateful for my boyfriend. He has helped me through a lot of dark situations, when nobody else could.

I’m grateful for the love, understanding, and acceptance from my friends and family.

Thankful for my life, family, and friends.

I’m grateful for kindnesses after a death in my family.

How kindness is shown/ spreads: I live in a small town in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Folks in our little town are always ready to help, give you a wave, and a smile.

Be understanding of each other and wish everyone well.

Years ago, I was a self-conscious, shy 7th grader. A kind teacher asked me if my mother was a model, because I walked like a model. I still remember (that kind remark) 60 years later.

Thoughts on kindness:

Kindness costs nothing but makes the giver AND receiver RICH!

Kindness is a gift of the heart. As Joan Walsh Anglund once wrote: “Gold and silver are treasured by many but gifts of the heart cost not a penny.”

WEEK 4-7  ( From Safe Harbor/St. Paul’s/ Community Groups)


I am grateful for the garden, the hospitality you offer our community groups, and your generous hosting of music (all referring to the church campus).

I am grateful to the wonderful loving people of St. Paul’s. Kindness is their middle name. Love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins.

So very grateful for the love of Jesus, his sacrifices for me, and the blessings I have. Amen.

I’m grateful for this precious human life, with just the right balance of pleasurable and challenging experiences to remind me to remain devotional, aware, and compassionate as best as I can.

How I spread kindness: I spread kindness by offering help and support to elderly seniors for everyday activities. Simple acts go a long way to make their lives a little easier and enable them to remain independent.