Meet the founding members of Safe Harbor, who are here to serve you in their roles as elders, deacons and liturgists.
Monty Rice
To me, Church is not a building or a gathering place, it is a community of loving people that have a common understanding of the Love of Jesus Christ. We worship as an individual, and we share our faith through our actions. The Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church community goes beyond the borders of Cambria to the edges of the world. We send our message of hope, abundant love and Christ grace to all. You are accepted, you are welcome and you are part of our community. Come as you are, when we say Welcome, we mean it!
Julia Rice
Many of you have discovered, our Lives are full of ‘Transitions,’ some happy, others so unexpected that we find ourselves in a tailspin. It’s during these turbulent moments, that we strive to be a Safe Harbor to those in need, offering genuine Fellowship. We hope you will join us and we look forward to meeting you.
Tom Cochrun
We want Safe Harbor to be a place where you feel comfortable being yourself. As members of the leadership team we are here to serve and grow a church that is filled with love and joy. We are looking for friends on this journey to provide an inspirational word, offer a shoulder of support or help someone who is lonely or hurting.
Lana Cochrun
Jeff Rodriguez
Glenn Donaldson
Deb Donaldson