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Jesus Characteristics & Values – Rev. Eugenia Gamble October 15, 2023
Something to Cling to in Times of Trouble!
These characteristics are taken from the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life. They will help us
understand who Jesus was, and what it will mean to us to conform ourselves to his
character and values. These are many of the ways Jesus describes himself or reveals
himself by his actions.

Jesus Tells us:
1. I have little patience with the way we’ve always done things before. I am not afraid
to reinterpret what was once thought to be settled. Matthew 5:38-48
2. Traditional views of status mean nothing to me. I love the worshiping community,
but I like to sort what really matters from what is culture bound. Mark 12:41-44
3. I deplore hypocrisy and save my most scathing rebukes for the religious leaders
who parade their allegiance to the letter of the law but whose hearts have not been
transformed by love of God, neighbor, and self. (Matthew 23)
4. I completely reject centuries old prejudices and lift up so called enemies,
Samaritans, as examples of kingdom living (Luke 10:25-37) and I enjoyed inviting a
broken hearted outcast Samaritan women I met at a well to be my first sent
evangelist. (John 4:4-42)
5. Healing is my main gig, healing of body (Mark 5:21-34) healing of emotional
brokenness (Mark 5:1-20), healing of and restoring to the fulness of life those that
the community shuns and rejects. (Luke 17:11-19.)
6. I am completely egalitarian and see the upsetting of the privilege structures of
society as the way to achieve that goal. (Matthew 20:16)
7. I am unconcerned with traditional gender roles. I teach women alongside men,
(Luke 10:38-42.) I revealed my resurrected presence to them first. (Matt 28:1-10)
8. I am joyful to the point that people think I am crazy and my family tried to stage an
intervention. (Mark 3:21)
9. I will stand and weep with you when you grieve, even if it puts me in danger.
(John 11:1-44)
10. I will tell you stories more than give you lists of musts and must nots, and invite you
to enter into them and find my ways there. (the parables)
11. I offer and accept radical hospitality. (Luke 19:1-10)
12. I am unconcerned with accumulating wealth and find being wealthy a spiritual block
that can hinder that can hinder an understanding of grace. (Luke 18:18-25)
13. I believe that if you want to find my living breathing presence in the world, then look
to the poor, the hungry, the prisoner, naked and the orphan. That is where I will be.
(Matthew 25)
14. I believe in doing what must be done for love and want partners who will do that too.
(Matthew 16:24-25)
15. I do not curse my enemies and I even called Judas friend on the night of betrayal.
The category of enemy does not exist in my kingdom. (Matthew 5:43-48; Matthew
16. I believe that the end is not the end, that life goes on and that it is possible to start
over even in this life. (John 3:1-21; Luke 23:43)
17. I believe that justice is more powerful than injustice, that oppression and
exploitation must be addressed and in the final analysis injustice will always fall to
justice which is nothing more than love on its feet. (Matthew 21:12-13, John 2:15
and all of Revelation.)
18. I am willing to die for love and hope you are too. (Crucifixion)