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Welcome to Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church 

Where the love of Christ builds a harbor of acceptance, inspiration, 

Fellowship, service and joy. 

You enrich our worship with your presence. 

"When we say welcome we mean it!"


Sound Recording only - Podcast

 It is not possible to pass the collection plate at our live home church.  We do need your contributions.  Please sent your check, made out to Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church to:

Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church

c/o Monty Rice

1298 Warren Rd.

Cambria, CA 93428




If this is your first time here, WELCOME

If you have a prayer request, please send to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church-PCUSA 

2700 Eton Rd. • Cambria, CA 93428 

Call or text 805.395.1521 

Info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. website: www.safeharborcambria.org 



The Gathering 


Prelude Deborah Farrand 

At the tolling of the bell, please quietly prepare your heart for worship. 

Meditation Music Deborah Farrand 

Welcome and Announcements 


† Call to Worship (from Psalm 86) Elder Tom Cochrun 

Leader: The God who invites us is unique. 

People: Among the Gods there is none like You, Lord. 

Leader: No deeds can compare with our God’s. 

People: All the world You made, will come and worship before you, Lord. 

Unison: We glorify your name, for you are great and do marvelous deeds. You alone are God. 

† The Prayer of Adoration (In unison) 

Dear God of all Time, in days of beauty we marvel at your greatness. In nights of dread we cling to You. In times of peace we celebrate Your divine joy. In seasons of doubt we seek Your light. You are the constant in our life. You come to us in the Christ to save and redeem. You comfort us with the Holy Spirit. In our life, in our church, and in our world, you are our everything. We give you all praise, honor and glory. Amen. 

†Hymn of Adoration # 468 In My Life 

Prayer of Confession (In unison) Lord, try as we may, we do not live that life of ceaseless love, forgiveness, compassion, endless service, and devotion. Our self gets in the way. We hold back, we allow doubt to creep in, we set limits on our courage, we do not give enough room in our heart for the Christ to reign and guide our behavior. We miss opportunities to bear Your light and to offer Your hope. Please hear our silent confessions... 

(In unison) Thank you for Your mercy and Your grace. Thank You for seeing us as You do. Amen. 

Assurance of Pardon New Creations in Christ 

†The Sharing of the Peace 

The Word 

Hymn of Preparation #452 Open the Eyes of My Heart 

Leader: Listen for the Word of God. 

People: Our ears are open and our hearts are ready to receive. 

Scripture: Genesis 21: 8-12 

Leader: The Word of the Lord. 

People: Thanks be to God. 

Sermon: A Way When There Is No Way The Rev. Eugenia Gamble 

Hymn of Response # 39 Great is Thy Faithfulness 

The Prayers 

Call to Prayer: Hymn #466 Come and Fill Our Hearts with Your Peace 

Prayers of the People 

The Lord’s Prayer 

Response to Prayer Hymn #710 We Are an Offering 

The Offering 

Prayer of Dedication 

The Parting 

† Hymn of Parting # 649 Amazing Grace 


† Charge and Benediction 


†=If able, please stand 




Members of our community that are lonely, hungry and sick.

If you would like to support the work of Safe Harbor Church financially: 

Tax deductible checks may be made to Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church. 

During our period of isolation, please mail checks to: 

Monty Rice 1298 Warren Road Cambria CA 93428 




Mentoring Pastors 

The Rev. Eugenia A. Gamble 


Music Team 

Deborah Farrand

Wink Farrand

Michael Green

Liturgists’ Coordinator 

Patti Ropp 




Tom and Lana Cochrun 

Monty and Julia Rice 

Patti Ropp 

Michelle Costa 

Jeff Rodriguez 

Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church Where the Love of Christ

Builds a Harbor Of: Acceptance, Inspiration, Fellowship, Service and Joy

Suggested Reading : Race, Racism and White Supremacy in American June 19, 2020

1. Waking up White by Debbie Irving

2. So You Want to Talk about Race by Ojeoma Oluo

3. Tears We Cannot Stop by Michael Eric Dyson

4. The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James Cone

5. I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a Word Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown

6. The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas

7. White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

8. When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir

by Asha Bandele and Patrisse Khan Cullors

9. Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America by Jennifer Harvey

10. The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead

11. My Soul Looks Back: A Memoir by Jessica B. Harris

12. Illegal: Reflections of an Undocumented Immigrant by Jose Angel

13. Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly D. Tatum

14. White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

15. Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome by Joy DeGruy

16. Race Matters by Cornel West

17. The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin

18. Just Mercy by Bryan Stephenson

19. The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

20. The Half Has Not Been Told by Edward E. Baptist

21. Beloved by Toni Morrison

22. Democracy in Black by Edie S. Claude, Jr.

23. The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America

by Richard Rothstein

24. Lakota Woman by Mary Crow Dog

25. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West

by Dee Brown

26. The Line Becomes a River: Dispatches from the Border by Francisco Cantu

27. The Devil’s Highway: A True Story by Luis Alberto Urrea

28. I Can Do Hard Things by Gabi Garcia (for children)

Sunday Live Home Church Service on Zoom: 2:00 PM

Call 805-395-1521, or 805-927-2215 or email “This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mail: 1298 Warren Rd. Cambria 93428 - Website: safeharborcambria.org