Welcome to Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church
Where the love of Christ builds a harbor of acceptance, inspiration,
Fellowship, service and joy.
You enrich our worship with your presence.
"When we say welcome we mean it!"
It is not possible to pass the collection plate at our live home church. We do need your contributions. Please sent your check, made out to Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church to:
Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church
c/o Monty Rice
1298 Warren Rd.
Cambria, CA 93428
If this is your first time here, WELCOME.
If you have a prayer request, please send to:
Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church-PCUSA
2700 Eton Rd. • Cambria, CA 93428
Call or text 805.395.1521
The Gathering
Prelude Deborah Farrand
At the tolling of the bell, please quietly prepare your heart for worship.
Meditation Music Deborah Farrand
Welcome and Announcements
† Call to Worship
Leader: In these days of concern and trouble, we are blessed.
People: We are blessed to come into the Holy Presence.
Leader: We seek God through the Son.
People: He is the way. He is the truth. He is the life.
All: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We come to worship. To You, be all praise, honor and glory.
† The Psalm Prayer, from Psalm 66 (In unison)
We praise our God. Let our voice of praise be heard. Great God you preserve us. You keep us safe. God of all creation you test us. You refine us. You put burdens upon us. People beat us down. You make us to go through fire and water, but you bring us to a place of abundance. Your Praise is on our tongue. You hear our prayers, You give us Your love. Praise God. Praise God. Amen.
†Hymn of Adoration # 796 We Come to You for Healing, Lord
Prayer of Confession (In unison)
Lord we come to confess our shortcomings, our failures to live and love as Christ. Life is not always fair. We have grievances. So, dear Lord we also come to lament. We bring to you our grief, pain, and even anger. Lord sometimes we are offended, and hurt and it prompts deep, self concerned feelings and distress. We can be trou-bled and a long way from our best. So, with our sins, we offer and give up to you, those moments of our personal lamentations, our fear, grief, pain and anger. Hear our silent prayers...
(In unison) Loving God, calm our troubled hearts and help us to live to strengthen the body of Christ. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon New Creations in Christ
†The Sharing of the Peace
The Word
Hymn of Preparation #452 Open the Eyes of My Heart
Leader: Listen for the Word of God.
People: Our ears are open and our hearts are ready to receive.
Scripture: John 14:1-14
Leader: The Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
Sermon: Do Not Let Your Hearts be Troubled The Rev. Eugenia Gamble
Hymn of Response # 785 In Deepest Night
The Prayers
Call to Prayer Hymn #466 Come and Fill Our Hearts with Your Peace
Prayers of the People
The Lord’s Prayer
Response to Prayer Hymn #710 We Are an Offering
The Offering
Prayer of Dedication
† Hymn of Parting # 377 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light
† Charge and Benediction
†=If able, please stand
Members of our community that are lonely, hungry and sick.
If you would like to support the work of Safe Harbor Church financially:
Tax deductible checks may be made to Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church.
During our period of isolation, please mail checks to:
Monty Rice 1298 Warren Road Cambria CA 93428
Mentoring Pastors The Rev. Eugenia A. Gamble
Music Team Deborah Farrand Wink Farrand Michael Green Liturgists’ Coordinator Patti Ropp
Leadership Tom and Lana Cochrun Monty and Julia Rice Patti Ropp Michelle Costa Jeff Rodriguez |
Jesus’ Words of Comfort…..John 14:1-14….Easter 6, 2020
John 14:1) “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. 2) In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3) And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. 4) And you know the way to the place where I am going.” 5) Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” 6) Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7) If you know me, you will know my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” 8) Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.” 9) Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10) Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works. 11) Believe me that I am in the Father and Father is in me; but if you do not, then believe me because of the works themselves. 12) Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. 13) I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14) If in my name you ask for anything I will do it.
Background: Today’s text is taken from John’s account of Jesus’ final conversations with his disciples before his betrayal and death. He is trying to prepare them for what is coming and they are terribly upset. They do not fully understand what he is saying. All they know is that he is saying that he is leaving them. They feel abandoned, bereft and without resources. Acknowledging their feelings, but never pulling back from his mission, he showers them with loving promise after loving promise. Within the promises they find reminders about the life they are to live, that is, how their love for him will be lived out (namely in obedience). In these words, Jesus pushes them (and us) to examine relationship with him, its fruits in our behavior and the vision for wholeness he offers.
Word Study
Vs. 1 – hearts – the seat of decision-making and the spiritual life
Troubled – nervous, anxious, confused, grief stricken. This is the word used of Jesus when he faced Lazarus’ death and his own abandonment in Gethsemane.
Vs. 2 – In my Father’s house – this phrase means “with God” and implies both in this life and in heaven.
Many – enough for all.
Dwelling places – this word was used of resting-places for weary travelers on a long journey. It was an overnight stop for refreshment
Vs. 3 – if – could also read “when” or even “since” or “as.”
Places – Gk. topos – usually referred to a place in heaven. The image is of Jesus as a front person, advance person or scout for their upcoming journey.
So that where I am, there you may be also – this phrase promises a share in Jesus’ relationship with God. It is not so much about location as about a state of being.
Vs. 6 – I am the way, the truth, and the life – To “know the way” is synonymous with knowing Jesus himself for John. Remember that John uses many symbols from ordinary life to describe Jesus, (shepherd, light, bread of life, etc.) All of these give us a look at who Jesus is from many different vantage points.
Way – in Hebrew thought ‘the way’ refers to the whole lifestyle of a person. It is the way that one lives what one believes. He is not simply saying that he, Jesus, is the route to heaven. He is saying that he is the blueprint for living.
Truth and life – Greek alethia and zoe – Here Jesus is trying to help us understand the how and the why of his being the way. It is in him that we see what God’s truth and values look like lived out. The purpose of that is in order to call us into the true abundant and eternal life for which we are created. Jesus is beginning to make his oneness with God more explicit. Because he and God are one, then it is natural that it is through him that people come to God.
Vs. 7 – seen – means spiritual insight.
Vs. 10 – words…work – both have the capacity to reveal God.
Vs. 12 – very truly, I tell you – this tradition phrase signals the introduction of new teaching.
Works – refers to the acts of Jesus’ ministry, particularly the healing, exorcising and prophetic teaching. The purpose of all these works is to make the power and character of God real for them. Here Jesus reminds us that it is also our job to be about revealing God’s power and character in our world.
Vs. 13 – in my name – this phrase is crucial for understanding this promise. It means “in union with” so much so that one is almost absorbed into. Jesus is not referring to petty prayer requests. He is saying that when our lives are absorbed in him, requests that we make to God for things that will glorify God will always be granted. This promise is unconditional in John’s Gospel. A similar promise in Matthew making the granting of requests conditional on obedience. I think that is implied here in the phrase “in my name.” This is not about putting a formula tag line of “In Jesus’ name” at the end of any request and expecting it to be granted. There is a sense, as well, that it is only when we are in Christ that we can even know who we ourselves are enough to ask for anything rightly. Only that which is consistent with who Jesus is and who we truly are in him, will be granted.
Questions for Personal Reflection
- What comfort do Jesus’ words offer you in these times?
- In addition to God’s comfort, this text tells us just how powerful we actually are in Christ. How do you see God at work in you in a powerful way? How might others learn more of who God is by observing your behavior?
- How is Jesus your life, truth and way?