Welcome to Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church
Where the love of Christ builds a harbor of acceptance, inspiration,
Fellowship, service and joy.
You enrich our worship with your presence.
"When we say welcome we mean it!"
Sound Recording only - Podcast
It is not possible to pass the collection plate at our live home church. We do need your contributions. Please sent your check, made out to Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church to:
Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church
c/o Monty Rice
1298 Warren Rd.
Cambria, CA 93428
If this is your first time here, WELCOME.
If you have a prayer request, please send to:
Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church-PCUSA
2700 Eton Rd. • Cambria, CA 93428
Call or text 805.395.1521
The Gathering
Prelude Deborah Farrand
At the tolling of the bell, please quietly prepare your heart for worship.
Meditation Music Deborah Farrand
Welcome and Announcements
† Call to Worship
Leader: We gather now to worship.
People: We come to worship our loving, nurturing God.
Leader: Good mothers know and love their children dearly.
People: Our good God knows us intimately and loves us unconditionally.
Unison: We come now to sing, pray and give praise to our Divine parent, the
source and sustainer of life.
† The Psalm Prayer, from Psalm 31 (In unison)
In you Lord, we take refuge. Deliver us in your righteousness, come to our rescue, be our rock of refuge and our fortress. Into your hands we commit our spirit. Our eternal fate is in your hands. Let your face shine on us, save us in your unfailing love. We pray this in the name of your Son, our Savior, in whom we have all hope.
†Hymn of Adoration # 257 The Risen Christ
Prayer of Confession (In unison)
Loving God, when shadows of fear or doubt come to our lives, we can be fright-ened, worried, and off balance. Forgive us when we do not remember the fortress strength of your ever-loving arms. We are sorry when our personal concern blinds us to the fear, hurt, loneliness, and injustice around us. Lord, we now offer our si-lent confessions...
(In unison) Fill us with the knowledge of Christ’s love and light, so that we may be a blessing to those who are burdened and downtrodden. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon New Creations in Christ
†The Sharing of the Peace
The Word
Hymn of Preparation #452 Open the Eyes of My Heart
Leader: Listen for the Word of God.
People: Our ears are open and our hearts are ready to receive.
Scripture: Acts 8: 26-36
Leader: The Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
Sermon: The Unhindered Gospel The Rev. Eugenia Gamble
Hymn of Response # 401 Here In This Place
The Prayers
Call to Prayer Hymn #466 Come and Fill Our Hearts with Your Peace
Prayers of the People
The Lord’s Prayer
Response to Prayer Hymn #710 We Are an Offering
The Offering
Prayer of Dedication
† Hymn of Parting # 826 Lift High the Cross
† Charge and Benediction
†=If able, please stand
Members of our community that are lonely, hungry and sick.
If you would like to support the work of Safe Harbor Church financially:
Tax deductible checks may be made to Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church.
During our period of isolation, please mail checks to:
Monty Rice 1298 Warren Road Cambria CA 93428
Happy Mother’s Day to All of Those Women
Who Have Made a Positive Impact in the Life of a Child
Mentoring Pastors The Rev. Eugenia A. Gamble
Music Team Deborah Farrand Wink Farrand Michael Green Liturgists’ Coordinator Patti Ropp
Leadership Tom and Lana Cochrun Monty and Julia Rice Patti Ropp Michelle Costa Jeff Rodriguez |