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February 18, 2025 - A Prayer for the Day
Rev. Dr. Garrett J. Andrew

A Kingdom Without Enemies
(a prayer after the weight of revenge, the ache of release, and the whisper of the Spirit)

O One who whispers and wounds,
who cradles the cosmos yet kneels to trace letters in dust,
I am here, still clutching my sandcastle grudges,
still stacking towers of rage against the tide,
still mistaking erosion for injustice
as if time itself conspires against me.

I know the lure of vengeance—
the electric thrill, the sharp inhale of power,
the mirage of control that lasts just long enough
to taste its poison.
I know how bitterness blooms when I water it well,
how anger, once unleashed,
circles back like a vulture,
hungry for what’s left of me.

But I also know the first breath after the coma,
the moment when resentment is lifted—
whether pried from my fingers or surrendered at last—
and I wake to the terrifying weightlessness of love.
To stand unarmed, undefended, unafraid—
is this not the death I have feared?
To lay down the sword of my own justification—
is this not resurrection itself?

O Persistent One,
you are patient as rivers carving canyons,
relentless as roots cracking stone,
determined as dawn undoing the night.
You whisper and you roar,
you mend and you unravel,
you love me past my own resistance,
past my self-made walls,
past the barricades of my bitterness,
until there is nothing left to grasp
but grace.

You are not finished with me yet.
You will not abandon the project you began—
this work of remaking,
this holy upheaval where love takes the lead,
where wounds become wisdom,
where mercy makes room for miracles.
You are sculpting something sacred from this struggle,
turning the wreckage into a road,
turning my clenched fists into open hands,
turning my guarded heart into a gateway.
Undo me, not into emptiness but into something new.
Dissolve my resentments like ink in water,
reform me like fire makes glass—
transparent, radiant, reshaped by the heat of mercy.
Let the light move through me,
until I no longer cast a shadow of my own making.

And when I reach again for the old weapons,
when my fingers itch for the sandcastles of rage,
let your Spirit dance me into mercy,
until at last, I am free,
until at last, I am love,
until at last, I am home
in a kingdom without enemies.
