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January 11, 2024 - To Be Inspired

Many churches send out “Epiphany Stars” to members in their congregations. Elementary school throwbacks, these paper stars have a word written on them inviting the recipient of the star to take the word as an annual intention.

The star, a symbol of the Magi guided by celestial signs that took them to the Christ child, and the word, an invitation to an intention, a focus, a contemplation. I’d heard of such things before, but Nipomo Community Presbyterian Church is the first church where I receive one.

The first year I cannot recall the word I received at all. Perhaps in the throes of the pandemic as a new pastor I simply took it, as I suspect many do, and thought, “That’s nice.” And, that was that.

In the following two years, I paid more attention. Divine whispers are everywhere, but often go unheard amidst the world’s cacophony and the chatter within our minds. Sometimes, they are ignored due to pride, a belief that “I am who I am, and that is that.”

A tree that doesn’t grow is dead; the same is true of the spiritual life. Jesus told a story of a landowner who had a tree that wasn’t producing fruit. The laborers of the field asked the landowner if he wanted the tree cut down as it was useless, for what is a fruit tree without fruit? The landowner instead had the laborers dig around the tree, fertilize it, give it some attention and affection, hoping that maybe this year would be the year.

The second year four stars arrived in the mailbox for my family. This time I was excited, until I pulled out the first star and saw the word “kindness.” I tell the story, because it’s true, that I didn’t like it, I wanted something that seemed stronger to me. So being the first in my family to get a star I put it back, shuffled them up, and pulled out… kindness.

It was a good year, I focused on that intention that God wouldn’t let me so quickly abandon. I grew in kindness, and encountered more kindness, reminding me of the holy truth that we often receive what we sow.

Last year it was grace. A good word. A holy intention. I grew in giving grace I hope, but better, I grew in receiving grace with humility. At some point when struggling with something I wished would go away I heard what Paul once heard, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” Only grace can give a sense of perfection in weakness.

This year I had my daughter choose one for me. She handed me a star, and written upon it in beautiful calligraphy was “inspire.” Today I’ve been looking at that star for a week, already I can feel it having its way on me.

Inspire, a word from antiquity that meant “to breathe or blow into,” meaning that when inspired an idea is breathed or blown into us. I looked at it at first and wondered how I might inspire others, what is God calling me for this year? Then it hit me, how will I be inspired, where will inspiration come from, will I be ready for it?

Each morning I see the star, sometimes I carry it with me, seeing it when my own spirit is waning, slowing when I see it, breathing in, receiving the Spirit (perhaps you can see in inspire the piece of the word spirit).

And, I’ve been inspired by so much with this as my intention. I’ve spent time staring at stars at night feet bare on the earth because a holy friend inspired me to do so, and found myself lost in the fullness of Love. I’ve received kindness with joy and inspiration to press on during a beginning of a year that is harder than I hoped it would be. I’ve found myself encountering stranger, friend, and foe with a holy wonder, awaiting to be inspired by them, to encounter the Divine that is in us all. I know more now than I’ve ever known, inspiration is everywhere, in every breath.

If you are reading this I wish so much for you this year. I wish for you freedom from suffering, peace that surpasses understanding, holy encounters around every corner, a sacred awareness of the Love that made you and made all, and more than words can ever convey.

Yesterday a kind soul told me that since encountering me he’s changed and grown closer to God than he ever thought he would. I replied that since meeting him the same has happened to me. He is part of the reason, and so are stars with words written on them, and so are you. May you find in the stars what Magi found long ago, a guide to a greater life. Maybe it will be a word that will make you look at all of life differently, as it should be examined, something holy and precious and worthy of love. With great anticipation I await the inspiration you will shine upon this year.
